Lucas & Lewellen's Wine Cruise to the Caribbean
Ft. Lauderdale to Ft. Lauderdale
Join Mike Lewellen and a great group of wine lovers on our first 2016 adventure, an 11-day cruise through the Southern Caribbean, starting in Ft. Lauderdale with visits to exotic destinations like St. Maarten, St. Kitts, Martinique, Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Thomas, and Half Moon Cay, a private island in the Bahamas.
Cruise vacation includes a featured noteworthy Lucas & Lewellen or Toccata wine with several early seating dinners, exclusive Lucas & Lewellen wine tasting events on board, a Welcome Aboard reception, and a private wine pairing luncheon in the specialty restaurant.
Pricing starts at $1,799/person (including the wine package fee) and is subject to change for those who wait too long to book. Deposits are due immediately to secure pricing. Visit to book or phone (805) 686-9336.
Note: We are almost finalized with a post-extension vacation in the Florida Keys. If you'd like to join us, hold off on your airline reservations for just a little while longer!

Phone Anjie at (805) 686-9336 or Wine Travel Coordinator Kim at at (805) 404-9590 with questions or reservations.